ed. desnivel La escalada es el nuevo yoga
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Features ed. desnivel la escalada es el nuevo yoga
In this book you will not find techniques to improve strength or flexibility, do complicated postures or climb big walls. While both rock climbing and yoga have undeniable physical benefits, they both serve a greater purpose: mastery of the mind.
A mastery that ultimately serves to achieve and maintain peace of mind. Yoga is a path to peace of mind that passes through the dissolution of the various layers of the ego that hinder it. It is a way back, since this peace of mind —it can also be called happiness— is the natural state of the mind, its purest state, free from the modifications that agitate, disturb and contaminate it.
This path can also be traveled through climbing. Although climbing does not have a philosophical tradition like yoga, in this book you will discover how it is possible to apply several of the precepts of yoga to our work on the rock, turning climbing into a new type of yoga, in another path. that leads to the very top.
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